Tshephula Funeral ServicesQuality Funeral Services
We are in business to offer varieties of services within the scope of funeral services industry in South Africa. Our intention of starting our company is to make profits from the industry and we will do all that is permitted by the law in the South Africa to achieve our aim and ambition. Tshepula Funeral Services’s product range includes a wide range of the following services

Mortuary Services
- Basic Services & Facilities
- Care & Preparation
- Graveside Ceremony
- Hearse

Cemetry Services
- Tents and grave preparation
- PA systems
- Tombstones
- Refreshments

Memorial Services
- Coffins & Caskets Selection
- Floral Arrangement
- Memorials selection
- Counselling services

Funeral Policies
- Family Cover
- Group Schemes Cover
- Employee Funeral Cover
- Individual Cover